
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Five for Friday

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday!

This week, my kiddos were provided many hands-on opportunities to practice teen numbers. The pictures above show students "playing" on the SMART Board. At the tables, students were playing "I have, Who has" and tracing and writing teen numbers, using Scholastic Match, Trace, and Write Numbers Mats. At the computers (2), the children were "playing" Number and Counting Fun Factory Interactive Game.

On Friday, we had another Super Secret Reader come in to read The Story of Ferdinand. What a charming story about a bull, Ferdinand who is the world's most peaceful little bull in Spain. While all of the other bulls snort, leap, and butt their heads, Ferdinand is content to just sit and smell the flowers under his favorite tree. I remember this story as a little girl, and it truly is a heart-warming classic.

On Tuesday, I stopped at B&N to get a new book to read on my down time, to continue to 'perfect my craft' and keep up with what is going on in other elementary grades. Of course, I couldn't begin to browse until I treated myself to a Starbucks treat I ended up buying The Daily Five Book: 2nd Edition by Gail Boushey & Joan Moser, because I know so many school districts are using the "Daily 5" and many of my fellow bloggers, blog about it! Have you read this book or the first addition? How was it?! Are there any other books you think I should read in the future, especially for the early elementary grades? Think: "buzz words"! I want to be ready if I ever switch a grade! I'd love to hear your input!!

If you saw my Facebook post, I'm ready for a change in my Listening Center! My students enjoy the listening center in our class, although I am personally tired of it, so I need some advice! We have a cassette player, with a jackbox and headphones. Only 3 of the 8 outputs in the jackbox work. What do I need to use my class CD player and the headphones you see in the picture? I typically use my CD player to play sing-along songs and calming music during nap, although I have some great audio book packs. I would like to be able to set up this CD player with 4 students at a time, so that they can listen to audio books. I have seen a Belkin 5-way splitter online, but does that work with these older headphone I have? Also, besides Scholastic (which I love), where do you get your CD audio books? I wish I had i-pods, but that just isn't in the budget right now... so I'm moving on to the good ol' CD :) 

Last Thursday, students viewed the video, Curious Cat- How Paper is Made, and then we discussed the long process of creating paper and the importance of recycling it. This week I showed the students Curious Cat- How Glass is Made and we continued our discussion about recycling. Since my  eager learned enjoyed these videos so much, they asked for more "Curious Cat" and I showed them Curious Cat- How Wool is Made.

I'd love to hear from you! How was your week? Link up with Doodle Bugs to share with others!

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